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the semi-automatic 45 pistol holds seven rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber

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Q: How many bullets doe a colt 1911 pistol hold?
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Depends on the pistol. Typically 10 rounds for a Colt Woodsman.

How many bullets do a 45 Taurus hold?

Assuming your are referring to a Taurus PT1911 which is similar to a Colt 1911 the magazine would typically hold 8 cartridges. Original 1911 magazines held 7 cartridges and there are 10 cartridge and larger magazines available.

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How many bullets do a double barrel pistol with the clip hold?

None. No such gun.

How many bullets does a pistol hold?

It depends on the pistol make and model, and what it is chambered for. Most semi-autos nowadays hold at least 12 rounds. Most revolvers hold six.

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What is the difference between Colt 45 model 1911 and model 1917?

The Model 1911 is a semi-automatic pistol chambered in .45ACP. The Model 1917 is a large frame revolver also chambered in .45ACP but using half-moon or full-moon clips to hold the rounds.

How many bullets does a colt revolver hold?

usually six, but if only 5 chambers then 5 rounds

How many bullets does a 9mm pistol hold?

9mm is a caliber, meaning a 9mm pistol is a pistol usually using the 9x19mm parabellum round. Therefore there is no exact number. A popular exampleof a 9mm pistol is the M9 handpistol, with a magazine size of 15 bullets, other pistols involves the CZ_75 holding approx 12 bullets to 20. depening on other calibers it holds. The pistol with most round are the ES Five Seven with a amzimum of about 30 bullets, while deringers (small one time use mini hand guns) can hold only 1 or 2 rounds.