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Probably no more than 4/5 when sitting down.

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Q: How many belly rolls should a 11 year old have?
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How many fat rolls should a ten year old girl have?

Rolls it would be hard to say. Body should have an allowable percentage that may/may not result in a love handle depending on other factors. Your doctor can tell you where you stand.

How many calories should 13 year olds intake to keep a flat belly?

Any amount, look at saturated fat, that is how to keep flat belly, so about 18g for boy and 13g for girl

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The year and model info would help.

Do u think a 13 year old should get her tung nose and belly button pierced?

Personally...No! Honestly i think you should wait a while i hear that there are many things that could happen if you get your tongue peirced! you should wait a few years before you do that! but you can atleast wait until your 15 to get your belly button pierced.

I am a 12 year old girl and I want to be big My belly is massive my fat rolls are so huge I can't see my belly button and I have over hang belly of 7 inches Should I keep gaining I like it?

Well if you care at all about your health and don't want to end up suffering from heart disease or diabetes etc. I would strongly advise that you try to LOSE the weight, not gain it. But if you don't care about your health as want to be big then by all means get big.

How much belly fat should a 13 year old have if he wants abs?

In inches? Not sure, I am 13 and I have 3 inches deep belly fat. However it is squashy.

I'm a skinny 19 year old guy but still have some belly fat. what should i do to get strong visible abs?

If you are a skinny 19 year old with some belly fat, you can do crunches to get strong, visible abs.

How are egg rolls important to the Chinese culture?

Egg rolls or spring rolls resemble the shape of a gold bar, and thus are often served on the New Year as a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the coming year.

How many ponies does a horses have in a year?

Do you mean how many FOALS can a horse have in a year? Mares can be pregnant once per year. It takes 11 months for the foal to be completely formed in the belly.

Does neutering a 2 year old pit bull stop territorial peeing?

it should, but if it doesn't , you should get some belly bands, that prevents them from peeing on things!

When do you eat Chinese egg spring rolls?

You eat Chinese egg rolls during the Chinese New year.

What year did belly dancing start?

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