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Babies form in an organ called an uterus, where the babies are kept in an amniotic sac (their "water"). It is POSSIBLE for a woman to have up to 8 babies.

Most women have a single fetus - one baby.

Some women can have twins - two babies, either fraternal (they look exactly alike) or non-fraternal (not identical).

Then, often with fertility treatments, some women can bear 3 to 8 fetuses as one pregnancy.

The more fetuses that are present in one pregnancy, the higher the risks to the babies and the mom.

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Q: How many babies can a woman have in her womb at one time?
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Why does woman have babies?

Women have babies to repopulate the earth. The woman is the one that carries the baby because she has the womb in which the fetus will develop.

How many children can a mother hold in here womb at the same time?

A women can have 9 babies in her womb at the same time but she has a 90% chance of dying

Can five babies be in the same womb at the same time?

Yes, there have been many instances of quintuplets.

How many babies can a woman have in her stomach?

First, babies are not found in a woman's stomach. Babies grow in a woman's womb. The official record for the most babies in a pregnancy was set in 1971, when an Italian woman on fertility treatments conceived 15 babies. None of the 10 girls or 5 boys survived to birth. The record for the most babies to make it to live birth is 8. These octuplets were born in January 2009.

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Does a low womb means its easier to get pregnant?

A woman that is known to have a low womb does have an easier time getting pregnant. A woman with a tilted womb will have a slightly more difficult time overall.

Do babies stay more on one side of the womb?

No they stay on one side of the womb all the time.

What is sextupilets?

sextuplets are when a women has 6 foetus (babies) in her womb at a time.

Does the baby have to move all the time in the womb?

nope. sometimes babies dont move at all. they do sleep a lot in the womb.

Does babies sleep in the womb?

yes, babies sleep in the womb but that does not mean they are always sleeping

Where do babies come from besides the stomach of a woman?

Babies do not come from stomachs, but from uteri (sing. uterus), also known as the womb. The gestation period is typically nine months.

Do babies get hickups in the womb?

babies breath in and out the amniotic fluid inside the womb to practice breathing and that causes them to get the hick ups