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I eat one apple a day.

However, I recently visited my dentist, and she told me I had early signs of 'acid erosion'. I don't drink fizzy drinks or eat chocolate or sugary snacks. She told me to eat less fruit such as apples and tomatoes.

I think this goes to show that either

* Most professionals are unable to see outside their own speciality and any advice they give should be treated as such


* My Dentist is shite

At the end of the day it's up to you to take responsibility for your own body - critically assess a wide range of evidence and come to your own, balanced conclusions. If you can't do that, hopefully evolution will eventually free the rest of us from the burden of the presence of people like you.

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Q: How many apples should you eat a day?
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How often should you eat apples?

You should eat apples twice a week. one time in day.

How many apples and bananas can a vegan eat in one day?

12 bananas and 12 apples

How many apples do you need to be healthy?

You should have five fruit and vegetables in a day to keep healthy and active.

If you want to help the environment which apples should you eat?

You should eat UK apples

When should you eat apples?

an apple a day keeps the doctor away! apples are healthy and have natural sugars that your body needs. one with your lunch each day.

If i have 2 apples and I eat a half of the apple per day in how many days will I finish the 2 apples?

4 days

How many apples to eat on the apple day on the hcg diet?

On the HCG Drop Diet, it is recommended that you eat 6 large apples on the "apple day" Dieters are also allowed to drink water on this day but only when they are thirsty.

Can you get sick if you eat apples for one week staright?

NO. i eat apples every day and i am not sick

How many apples should you eat to get enough minerals?

The saying is"Eat an apple once a day will keep the doctor away"So i agree on that statement.So one apple maybe two.

Why do people eat apples?

People eat apples because they like the taste/texture as well as apples being good for you. They contribute to your 5-a-day (which, according to scientists, should really be 7-a-day) as one portion per apple and they contain vitamins such as vitamin C.

Do apples eat people?

People eat apples because they like the taste/texture as well as apples being good for you. They contribute to your 5-a-day (which, according to scientists, should really be 7-a-day) as one portion per apple and they contain vitamins such as vitamin C.

How many green apples is recommened to eat a day?

There is no specific guideline as to how many green apples it is recommended to eat a day. However, eating just one green apple a day aids weight loss and decreases the chance of type 2 diabetes in women by 28%.