no one knows. beside cigarette butts doesn't cause nothing to animal
You may find statistics on the impact of cigarette litter on animals through environmental organizations, research studies, or government websites. Organizations like the Ocean Conservancy or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may have data on this issue. Environmental agencies at the state or federal level may also provide information on the impact of cigarette litter on wildlife in the United States.
An actual number is unknown, but cigarette butts, the main form of roadside litter in all countries, find their way into the stomachs of various woodland animals. This usually leads to death.
According to ButtsOut there are annually 4.3 trillion cigarette butts discarded. This is a very big amount. And also imagine how much money is earned by selling cigarettes.
aprox 753980000000
People smoke the cigarette but they cant smoke the butt so they leave it and it causes them to get littered and there is so many of them because there is so many cigarettes that have been smoked and butts left. Many cars are no longer equipped with ashtrays, which leaves little options for driving smokers.
No it can't. I did that as my investigatory project. It failed, acetone and cigarette filter does not make glue. Cigarette filter is made up of fiber. The filter didn't dissolve in acetone. So my suggestion for further studies of that, try to replace the acetone gas, etc.
people who smoke go to the beach and are to lazy to throw them away. They wash down storm drain inlets during rainstorms, entering our streams and rivers that empty on to our beaches. Go after a large storm and see how many butts wash up on shore, it is saddening.
No animals died on Noah's Ark.
about 15000 animals died in hurricane katrina
the answer is 5 cigarettes. 5 times five is 25. 25 divided by 5 is 5 Above answer is incorrect. Think harder. The obvious answer is rarely the correct one in a riddle.
You can just say cigarette. There are many countries in Europe and so there are many languages and so there are many ways of saying cigarette.