No African Americans until 1619 as slaves and by 1860 there were 6 million slaves.
12,000,000 Africans were brought to the Americas. Nearly 95% of them went to the Spanish colonies in Latin America and the remainder to the United States.
between 1500-2000 usd
Many European settlements did occur between the years 1500 and 1770. However, most of the European migration and settlement happened between the 1640s and 1770, as English began to settle the islands in the New World.
A United States 1893 One Cent coin would be valued between $2 and $1500. Depending on condition the coin may by worth more or less, but chances are this coin is worth around $4 or $5.
Hebrew villagers
12,000,000 Africans were brought to the Americas. Nearly 95% of them went to the Spanish colonies in Latin America and the remainder to the United States.
Having trouble with apex? lol. Location: Southern half of western Hemisphere Place: Rain forests, deserts. highlands, mountains. Region:Central america and south america Movement: Spain and portugal took over ub 1500; Africans were brought in; indigenous people remain.
Over ten million.
Africans were a cheap source of labour (because it was cheaper to ship them from Africa). Africans were physically fit and were suited for the sugar estates and they were more immune to tropical diseases. Africans were closer to the Caribbean than Europe, where there were some slaves on the Iberian Peninsula.
the slave trade more to the point it was the Islamic slave trade
It is estimated that around 12 million Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas as part of the transatlantic slave trade between 1500 and 1800. Many lost their lives during the brutal conditions of the Middle Passage journey across the Atlantic Ocean.
Pugs were brought to the USA in 1500
Because of war, ethnic clensing and slavery, between 1500 and 1800 as many as 30 milion africans were taken to the americas as slaves.
The majority of slaves brought to the Americas from 1500 to 1870 came to Brazil
For spices
For spices
Over 1500 languages are used in Africa, and all of them are unique.