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Q: How many Winchester 94 golden spike rifle was made?
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How many model 94 golden spike commemorative 30-30's did Winchester make?

The Winchester serial numbers for the Golden Spike carbines were from GS-1 to GS-69996.these 1969 carbines were made in a total amount of 69,996.

Golden spike 30-30 rifle model is it gold or brass?

Depends on who made it and what grade it is.

What year was the serial number 922476 92 model Winchester rifle made?

Your winchester model 1892 rifle was made by winchester in 1923.

Who invented the repeating rifle?

Oliver Winchester made the first Winchester Rifle(repeating)

Was there ever a Winchester 45-60 rifle in the 1800s?

Yes.The Winchester model 1876 rifle was the only rifle made by Winchester that was chambered for the 45-60WCF(winchester center fire).

What is the history of a Winchester 90 rifle model number 152141?

Your winchester model 1890 .22cal rifle was made by winchester in 1902.

Winchester 22 rifle?

Winchester made many rifle models chambered in several .22 calibers.

What is the value of a Winchester model 1875 rifle?

Winchester made the model 1873 rifle and the model 1876 rifle,but did not make a model 1875 rifle.

When was the Winchester 94 serial number 5555993 made?

Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1989.

What year was a Winchester 94 SN 2861097 Made?

Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1965.

When was the Winchester 94 serial number 1111651 made?

Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1936.

When was Winchester model 1894 serial 455344 made?

Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1908.