There are hundreds of Toys Are Us, stylized as Toys R US stores all over the world. Currently, there are more than 140 licensed stores located all over the world.
There are 15 Toys R Us stores in Austria. Check the website for locations.
There are 57 Toys-R-Us stores in Germany, according to the Toys-R-Us website. I have yet to find a map of where they are all located though.
There are plenty of stores out there other than just toys r us that sell toys. WalMart, K Mart, Target, Costco, and so many other stores sell toys. You can also look online for toys in case you can not get to the store.
No, there are no Toys R Us stores in Slovenia. The closest would be Austria
Many stores in the US sell toys for infants. Such stores might be Toys R Us, Children's Palace, chain stores such as Wallmart or Target, or online stores such as Amazon.
No, you would not be able to get Genesect in Toys 'R' Us stores in the U.S.
At Toys R Us or at Target or at Any stores that sells Toys there.
On the back of the gift card it should tell you where you can use it. Toys R Us, Babies R Us and Toys R Us/ Georffrey Stores.
more than one
Many online stores have the Iron Man toys in their stocks. You could purchase them at the online Toys ''R'' Us store, eBay, or Amazon, among with many other stores.