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although it depends on the size of the legos, because they all differ there is about roughly 180 regular sized LEGO pieces to each single pound. but again it is hard to say because the variation in lego piece size.

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14y ago

On average of 2.2g/brick, about 227 bricks/lb

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13y ago

The average Lego weighs 2.5 grams per standard Lego of 2x4 studs. This means that six pounds contains 1090 standard 2*4 legos. The actual amount will vary due to the different sized bricks.

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About 1,100.

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Q: How many LEGO Bricks are there in 1 pound of LEGOs?
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How many LEGOs in a pound?

There is no exact value. Since Lego bricks are all different in size and weight, there would be no right answer to your question.

How many legos have been made?

There are billions of Lego in the world, and each person is equivalent to 60 Lego bricks!

How many LEGOs had been made?

In the world there are approximately 60 Lego bricks to 1 person. In other words, there are billions out there!

Do old and new Legos look the same?

Nope, the LEGO logo has evolved over many years and so have their bricks. As the Lego company progressed through the years, they have improved their bricks to make them more structurally stable than before.

How many Lego's in a pound?

There is no exact value. Since LEGO bricks are all different in size and weight, there would be no right answer to your question.

How many Lego bricks are there made for everyone in the world?

There are more Lego pieces than people in the world. As they are being produced all the time, the figure is uncertain.

What type of engineer designs legos?

There could be numerous engineers helping to design LEGO bricks. If you're a software engineer, you might be helping to develop internal software for product designers to use, or maybe you're handy with the metal moulds used to cast the LEGO bricks, or maybe you're an expert on the manufacturing line machines. There are so many jobs in the LEGO company that an engineer can fit into many roles when it comes into creating LEGO bricks.

How many Lego bricks can you use to make the word Lego?

it takes 31 bricks

How many Lego bricks in Lego policeman?


How where LEGOs made?

Lego is made by melting plastic and molting it into many different Lego pieces

How many LEGO bricks are there?

There are billions of bricks in the world. Just in one day, the LEGO factory in Denmark produces millions of bricks.

How many bricks do you need to get into LEGO city in LEGO star wars 2?

56 gold bricks