Alex Pickens with a maxus dragonoid with 4550 gs
maxus dragonoid has 3400 gs and maxus Helios has 3700 gs they are both very strong bakugan. if you want more information on bakugan go to this website it is called bakugan wikia com it really has a lot of information. I think next month there will be bakugan new vestoria episode 27.
Maxus dragonoid is out or will be out before the end of 09. Maxus dragonoid release on October, 5 2009.
On Google it says no. However, there are Maxus Dragonoid and Maxus Helios. Maxus Dragonoid has 3400G and Maxus Helios has 3700G.
the old neo dragonoid cant have any G power past 523 the neo dragonoid that makes maxus dragonoid has about 600 Gs but,the neo dragonoid that makes dragonoid collossus just alone has 1480Gs
If you're after a maxus dragonoid, you can find one at toys'Rus.
the tramps that makes maxus drago have different abilities tha agrees or unussues the bakugan and i hear that the traps have got 500gs that's all. ahh and agreding the neon dragonoid gs to me was 650gs you agree that gs now that's all
dragoniod colossus hands down
Seriosly I have no idea
On October 5 2009.