There are over a over a million Emily's in the world.
Hi.My name is Emily and I like my name.
I know Emily is a very very popular name.
have a nice day.
whoevers name is Emily I like your name.
There is no definitive answer to this question as there are numerous individuals named Emily around the world. The name Emily has been consistently popular in many English-speaking countries, so it is quite common.
how many ponys are there in the world
there are 120 in the world
why too many to count, but if you ask Census how many PEOPLE are in the world, they will know about how many. estimate
1200,000,000 chloe's are in the world
following ex. according to Emilys idea Following Emilys idea
there are 15 emily reith's in the holl wourld because i emily reith went all around the wourld and ask'ed peopole how many emily reith's they know? see you in africa.
There is no definitive answer to this question as there are numerous individuals named Emily around the world. The name Emily has been consistently popular in many English-speaking countries, so it is quite common.
Do to the fact that there is a gazillion people in the world, you can`t really tell. You have to remember, a baby is being born every minute all over the world. So, even if there is 1,000 right now, in a minute there will be 1,001.Oh, by the way,Justin Bieber Rocks!!!!!!
emilys 17 :)
NO, but other emilys are.
She is called Kirsten Hansen
The plural form of the proper noun Emily is Emilys.The plural possessive form is Emilys'.Example: The two Emilys' last names are Green and White.
No Tommy Oliver is not Emily's Father.
Emily Carr hated sport and loves sports!
The last state is VA
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