About 1600. The popcorn itself doesnt have a lot of calories, its the butter.
1,550 calories.
Well,because pop corn is acorn,butter and salt. Cheetos is wheat,dough,sugar,salt,cheese and many other ingredients...which make up more mixture then what is in pop corn!
Peanut butter poppers Jalapeno poppers pop corn/jiffy pop soda pop popsicles popovers lollipops
because oil consists of unsaturated fats which melt at 16 degrees Celsius while butter is a saturated fat meaning it is solid at room temperature because their fatty acids are tightly packed together making butter have a higher melting point of 63-70 degrees Celsius
There are 60 calories in a tootsie roll pop.
Pop Secret has about 170 calories per 3 tablespoons unpopped.
Regular pop is sweetened with sucrose and / or high fructose corn syrup and so will have more calories than diet pop. However, the sweeteners in diet pop still give you a taste for sweet things so you may end up eating just as many calories in the rest of your diet.
190 calories
yellow pop corn
There are 118 calories in 8 fl oz of the soda pop Mellow Yellow.
There are 400 calories in 2 poptarts. So, that would be 200 calories per poptart.
The best way to calculate the amount of pop corn you are eating, is this equation: Every gram of hydrocarbate is equivalant to 4 Calories.3.5 Oz is 99 grams ,so here we have 99gramsX4calories per gram= 396 calories. Now according to american diebetes association ( http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/treatment-and-care/ask-the-expert/ask-the-dietitian/archives/is-popcorn-a-healthy-snack.html ) every 3 cups of Pop corn is less than 100 calories , so per say lets say 3 cups is 100 calories, therefore 396 claories over 100 claories make up 3.96 servings of 3 cups, so 3.96x3= 11.88 or 12 cups. This is just popcorn alone, adding oil or butter adds to the calories, and again if you convert those extra calories to the equivalance of cups ( gram, calorie ratio) you will then have a figure of how many cups of pop corn exactly you have eaten.