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First, find the square footage of an 8" x 8" tile. 8 x 8 = 64 square inches. There are 144 square inches in a square foot (12" x 12" = 144). So divide 64 by 144 to get the square feet per tile. 64 / 144 = 0.44 sq ft per tile.

You have 176 square feet, using tiles that are 0.44 sq ft each. 176 / 0.44 = 400 tiles.

Generally, you will want to add from 5% to 10% for waste, depending on your layout (is it one big area, or several smaller areas with lots of cutting?) (are you doing a checkerboard pattern, running bond (brick), or diagonal?) and your skill level. If in doubt, add 10% to be safe.

400 tiles + 10% --- that's 400 x 1.1 = 440 tiles.

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