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Q: How many 3 min songs fit on 1 gig media?
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How many songs in a gig?

it depends on the size of the songs but you can fit about 230 into 1 gig

How much music can you download on ipod touch?

It depends on how many gigs you have on your ipod. Like for example I have a 16 gig ipod touch and I can fit about 20,000 songs. The lower your gig is the less songs you will be able to fit but the more gigs you have the more songs you can fit.:) hope this helps.

How many hours of music can a 1 gig ipod hold?

Hundreds of songs if you understand that different songs are of different lengths. It is the total size of all the songs that tells you how many fit

How many songs 30 gig ipod hold?


How many songs can a 20 gig ipod hold?

around 1600

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How many songs can 1 giga bite hold?

Usually 1 gig can hold about 250 songs. Hope that helps.

How many songs in 32 gig?

Up to 7000 song and 40 hour of video

How many songs does the 1 gig Craig mp3 hold?

i think like 5 to 250

How many songs would two gigabtes hold?

I know that 2 gig holds about 1000.

How many songs can you put on a eight gig ipod?

You can put about (estimated by, and assuming that the songs are of the average length of around 3-4 minutes) 1,750 songs on it.

How many photos does a 32 gig ipod fit?

depends on the file size of each photo.