it should say the memory it will take up and there is 1000 kb in a megabyte
(1000kb= 1 MB) and 1000 mega bytes that fit into 1 gigabyte (1000MB=1GB)
it depends on the size of the songs but you can fit about 230 into 1 gig
Usually right around 14-15 songs will fit on one CD-R.
The typical 3-4 minute song can be around 5-7 megabytes. Usually, only one song can fit into an eight megabyte space, but if two songs are very short (around a minute), you can fit two songs.
1GB (1,000MB) holds approx 250 songs so 180 x 250 songs = approx 45,000 songs! I've got a 120GB. It's full of everything and anything I can imagine or want and it's not even half full! -- Well, actually 1GB = 1024MB, but due to damaged sectors you never get the full amount (180GB would be 170ish) and the amount of songs depend on qaulity of encoding and length of the song. plus any album arts etc. The average song would be, in mp3 format, around 3.5MB. So we can say 1024 / 3.5 = 293 (rounded to the nearest whole number) 293 * 170 (to allow for damaged sectors) = 49810 If you're lucky and you have less damaged sectors and you don't listen to music that lasts 10 mins per track then you may fit 50,000 songs on it.
It depends on the size of the songs that you wnt to put on your phone. Each song has mb, bytes, gb etc... These play factor in adding up to 8GB.
In order to determine how many songs or photos will fit within 1GB, you must make some assumptions. Let's assume that an average song in MP3 format will be 3.5MB, and that an average digital photo will be 500KB. In reality, many factors will go into the exact size of a song or a picture, so the numbers we will come up with will only be a rough estimate. That being said, here are the numbers: Since 1GB = 1,024MB, 1024/3.5 = 292.571. This means you can store approximately 292 songs in 1GB. Since 1GB = 1,048,576, 1048576/500 = 2097.152. This means you can store approximately 2097 photos in 1GB.
32 songs at a size of 1GB each (they do exist) 64 songs at a size of 500MB each 128 songs at a size of 250MB each
I think you mean 1GB, anyway, It depends on the size of a song. Usually an MP3 song will be about a couple of thousand KB. I have a 2GB Ipod, I think, and I have about 200 songs. You will probable fit around 100.
An average song is 5Mb in size, there is 1024MB in 1GB, so roughly 6000 songs will fit on a 30GB MP3 player.
1,000 or less
songs of 99999999s'
Yes it will.
about 3500 songs but im not sure
it depends on the size of the songs but you can fit about 230 into 1 gig
depends...if all your songs were 5mb it would be able to hold 50000 songs :)