That is 6.5 beers.
Approx. 2 150 mL.
there are 127oz in 1gl. One beer is 12oz. 127/12 = about 10beers
about two beers are in a 24 oz can based off the standard 12oz alc% may factor in this aswell but really if you want bare bone answer about two beers
Two for men, one for women, who do not metabolize alcohol as quickly as men.
Depends, a bit on how you define 'beer' as a unit of volume. The standard beer bottle is 12oz so we'll go with that. the answer is 13.87. If we're talking pints (16oz) then you have 10.4
There are 128oz in 1gallon and 16gallons in 1 keg (128ozx16gallons=2,048oz) Now let's say you were serving 12oz cups of beer (2,048oz divided by 12oz= 170.7;12oz cups). Since we were using 12oz cups we move on to 12oz cans which come by the 24 can case ( 170.7;12oz cans divided by 24 cans in 1 case=7.1 24 can cases) That is you answer. There are 7.1 cases of beer in a 16 gallon keg.
If you are talking about a full size keg, then it is about 165 12oz beers, or 124 16oz beers. If you are talking about a half keg, then it is about 82 12oz beers, or 62 16oz beers. Obviously there are other sizes, but those are the main ones.
24 beers in a slab
The answer is between 2 and 4 for the first hour. One every hour after that.
340.1939999 grams
354.88 mL