

Best Answer

Basically no 'what's' saying that the 16gb iPod Touch was discontinued. You really should improve this question, considering that no-one understands what you are asking so it is muchharder to answer.

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Q: How many -what- can a 16gb Ipod Touch hold?
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How many apps can a 16gb 4g iPod touch hold?

about 100 or 200

How many songs can a 16gb ipod hold?

A 16GB ipod can hold 3,600 songs

How many songs games videos does a 16GB iPod Touch Hold?

3,500 songs, 20 hours of videos.

How many charges does a 16GB ipod touch have?

3050 times

How many songs and games can a 16gb iPod hold?

About 7000000

Is it better to get a refurbished 16GB ipod touch or a new 8Gb ipod touch?

It depends on how many songs, videos, and pictures you have or intend to have on the iPod Touch. Keep in mind the 8gb only holds about 1,700 songs, and the 16gb holds twice as much. Sometimes new is better. In my opinion, you should go for the refurbished 16gb.

Where can you buy an 16gb iPod touch?

You can by one at the apple store.You can choose from many colors and its only $240!

How many photos can the iPod Nano hold?

The number of photos an iPod Nano can hold varies depending on the model and storage capacity. Generally, an iPod Nano with 16GB of storage can hold approximately 4,000 photos.

How many songs can a iPod Classic hold?

160, that's the highest or you can buy 32gb or 8gb or 16gb (:

How long does it take to backup an iPod touch i have never backed it up before and have used about 16gb of the memory?

it depends on how many gb it as

How many pictures will a 8GB iPod Touch hold?

About 42,000

How many songs can 8gb iPod Touch hold?
