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The traces of marijuana found in urine samples are stored in fat cells. So depending how much fat you have and also depending on how much you workout and sweat the toxins depends on how long it will take to flush. Also drink lots of water to flush your system.

Taking condensed cranberry pills such as AZO's also helps flush your system.

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12y ago

3. Hits is close to nothing. Odds are you won't really feel anything. When you smoke enough to feel the affects, it you'll feel it in less than 5 minutes. How many hits depends on your height, body weight, THC tolerance and strain of marijuana.

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Q: How long will 3 hits of weed take to get out of you?
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How long does it take to get weed out?

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How long will 3 hit of weed stay in your system?

24 hours

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well it depends on the dankness of your bud. If you have super dank bud then youre done for the day. If your weed is "alright" then you should be good after about 3 hours.