enter 'OLD COLT REVOLVERS' into your computer and watch ALL the sites that show up................................
Ladysmith 22.cal revolvers in .22 long with 7 shot cylinder were made in the 1890, into the early 20th century. common barrel length was about 3.5 in. 6in barrels are rare and could be more valuable.Were discontinued because of frequent repairs. Other S&W pistols have also carried this name in various calibers...
Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, 3rd, ed.
In case your gun goes off accidentally, many old west gunman only put 5 carttidges or beans in there six shooters wheel of there revolvers.
put an ad in: gunboards.com buy/sell board
A cooper makes barrels. Not sure how many are left today, but it is a very old profession.
there are many avenues to find barrels for A5's. Try the "gunbroker.com" firearm barrel section. A5 barrels are sold there all the time.
It comes down to personal preference. Both revolvers do what they're supposed to do.
Answer: +P is a cartridge designation for a higher pressure loading & should only be shot in revolvers with heavier frames or designated to shoot the +P ammo. NEVER in old light framed revolvers!!
worn piston rings or barrels