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It is really sore for about a week. It's hard to eat but after the first week the second week isn't so bad. And from then on its nothing! Definitely worth the pain! I love mine!

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Q: How long until the soreness goes away after you get your tongue pierced?
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When you get your tongue pierced can you change the ring?

Not right away. You have to wait at least 2 weeks or until the swelling has gone down.

I got my tongue pierced 5 days ago and I thought it was healing well with normal swelling and soreness but I noticed a small white bump in the front of my piercing. Is this scar tissue?

That is the tongues version of a scab and it will go away in a few days.

How long after you get a tongue piercing does it take for pain to go away because your tongue was pierced 4 days ago and the bar is making the bottom of your mouth sore and causing an indention on top?

I have had my tongue pierced for a while now and when you first get it pierced your bar will be long for the swelling it takes up too a month until you can change it but after the first week the pain will go away i recommened ice and popcicels but dairy products make it swell more and give you a chance to get a yeast infection in your mouth as for the marks at the top they will go away with ice and rinse your mouth with biotine it works greAT!!!

Is it normall after having your tongue pierced for it to be white?

Yes it's normal discharge and will go away in a couple of days.

If you just got your tongue pierced a few day ago and it still bleeds a little?

I've had my tonuge pierced for bout 8 weeks .. its normal for your tongue to bleed but if its does go away with in another week or 2 weeks you should have it checked out

If have your tongue pierced and have a lipse will it go away?

If the lisp is a result of the piercing then Yes it will go away. If you have the lisp prior to the piercing then No it will not go away and might make it worse

You got your tongue pierced 2days ago and you touched your tongue and you feel a lump is that bad?

no it is normal I was worried about the lump but it went away in about two or three weeks. It is nothing to worry about it is your tongues natural response

Does it hurt when getting your nose pierced?

Pretty much all piercings hurt - its just a matter of how much. Most nose piercing hurts about the same as getting an earlobe pierced. Of course there is also soreness after the piercing which usually goes away after it heals up (unless it gets infected).

Is it safe to get your tongue pierced when you have the flu?

Definitely not. Your immune system is already compromised and a piercing will make it worse. Your piercing will take forever to heal if it even does. You'll have a higher risk of getting an infection. Just stay away from piercings until you are 100% better!

You got your tongue pierced about a week ago and your tongue has been a weird texture since why is this and will it go away?

Yeah that's normal and it will ease and disappear as the piercing heals. It's basically the same type of discharge that would occur with any other piercing except the discharge is on your tongue so it looks weird. Fuzzy tongue! It's OK it will go away just stay on your aftercare routine.

I got my tongue pierced about a week ago and my tongue seems to be a weird texture since why is this and will it go away?

Yeah that's normal and it will ease and disappear as the piercing heals. It's basically the same type of discharge that would occur with any other piercing except the discharge is on your tongue so it looks weird. Fuzzy tongue! It's OK it will go away just stay on your aftercare routine.

How long do you have to stop playing football for with a pierced tongue?

Usually 6 weeks. But I'm sure you could get away with four weeks, or there may be a way of protecting the piercing so you don't have to stop at all.