Facebook can remain locked for months or years and sometimes for a day if you provide valid information yo unlock it.
When your whoshere account has been locked up have fun trying to get it unlocked. There isnÍt much that can be done since the service cant and wonÍt help unlock it.
If you want unlock your Blackberry mobile phone from the network lock,I would suggest you to get an unlock code from UnBBlock.com at low price.
One can write the request by starting the letter with "Dear Sir or Madam". Continue on with the letter in lengthy explanation as to how the account got locked and why it needs to be unlocked. End the letter by thanking them for their time in helping resolve this manner.
if you can get your spc code from them then type "debug" in the calling menu and enter it
how to unlock friends Facebook account
You need to go in at the administrator level and reset it. If you have locked out the administrator account your only option is to flatten (format) the machine and reload all the software.
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you try to reset your account if you don't have very important information.
One might be able to unlock their HTC Wildfire after too many pattern attempts by using a computer and going to gmail to unlock it. If this does not work, one may have to take it to an authorized dealer and get it factory reset..
Most operating systems allow the number of authentication attempts to be set to any of a range of numbers. Best practice is to cause a user account to be locked after 3 to 5 consecutive failed authentication attempts. Beyond that, some lock the account only for a period of time, like 15 minutes to an hour, or may lock it until an administrator intervenes to unlock the account.
You can not unlock Blackberry 8520 with 0 attempts left .
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By Unlocking It
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Facebook can be locked temporarily if you violate their terms. So they will provide you the option to unlock it. Some may require government Id to prove that the account belongs to you. They might also ask you to log in with the devices you have used in the past or tell you to pass a security check. This is how you can unlock your Facebook.