It typically takes 8-12 weeks for a cartilage piercing to heal. But you should never go more than a few hours without any type of jewelry, those piercings typically close pretty fast.
getting an ear piercing has nothing to do with a knee surgery so you should be fine.
If the piercing was done with a piercing gun then that should answer the question.
A piercing gun should not be used on cartilage as it's more likely to cause damage to the cartilage. Piercing guns should be avoided at all costs due to the multiple health risks. If you want a piercing go to a piercing studio where there are professionally trained piercers who use the correct jewelry and safe tools.
No it's either a hypertrophic reaction, which is due to the cleaning products used to clean the piercing or Cauliflower ear caused by piercing the ear cartilage with a piercing gun. Nothing to be scared about.
the tragus piercing is done on cartilage and if you know you form keloids you should avoid cartilage piercings because they have a high chance of forming keloids
You should never pierce your cartilage with guns. It will damage your body tissue and you will find a lump growing outside the piercing after a while. Guns are only safe for piercing the soft fleshy parts of your earlobes. Nowhere else. Safest is to go to a pro-piercing artist, he/she should use proper hollowed and sterilised or brand new needles to pierce. It doesn't hurt at all if the piercing is done professionally.
The sensation is a bit more intense because you are getting two piercings in one sitting and it's done with a needle not a gun. so it should be not too bad about the same as the cartilage piercing.
If the pain of sleeping on it is tolerable then it should be ok to sleep on it.
yeah, you would wanna wait so it doesnt get infected, so yeah, i tihnk 3 weeks is fine Get advice from your physician and not people who have no idea about such things. The studio that pierced my cartilage said I could go swimming in a pool the very next day, as long as I don't play with the piercing under water.
No it doesn't get pierced through the cartilage. I actually had a woman come in with a septum piercing that was done by a so called "body mods artist", the piercing was done through the cartilage and was causing all sorts of issues for the lady. Piercing the cartilage is actually dangerous in that area and more subject to possible infection. The actual piercing is between the exteriour meatus and the physical cartilage, the web between these structures is only the thickness of a dime, this is the area the piercing should be placed. Any other location and the piercing is done incorrectly. Do your research and be sure your piercing is done by an actual "professional body piercer" working in a licensed and inspected facility (not a kitchen on a Saturday night).
Im not sure if you should or not, but it should help. It prevents the piercing healing around the jewllery. Also it makes the healing area used to movement and more resistant to it.