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I know how you feel! This happend to me. You should wait the average amount which is around 5 weeks. I would go to a clinic as they would be able to give you more advice and maybe work out how far gone you are "if you are pregnant" and they can give you advice on conception if you arent. A home pregnancy test is just as effective but just to be on the safe side, I would buy 2. As it has been 4 weeks you could take a test now but if it does come back negative then it doesnt mean you arent pregnant. A nurse would advise you to take a test again the following week. This could be due to the fact that within the 5th week of you missed period you pregnancy hormone "if you are pregnant" increases becoming detectable to the tests. If you want to pregnant then GOOD LUCK!

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Q: How long should you wait to have a pregnancy test if you have an irregular period that comes anywhere from 3-6 weeks it has now been 4 weeks?
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You would know if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after intercourse and doesn't require you to know when your period should have started.

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Yes. Perform the pregnancy test three weeks after you had sex. It should be accurate then or see your doctor one week after sex for a blood test.

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Maybe. Missed, irregular or late periods do not always indicate pregnancy, but if you are wondering, you should have a pregnancy test performed.

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If your periods are usually irregular, you should see a doctor for tests.

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Yes. Some women have very irregular periods. If you suspect you are pregnant, you should take a home pregnancy test just to be sure.

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It's more likely that you had an irregular cycle but if you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.

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I don't know the exact chances, but it's certainly possible, so you should take a pregnancy test.

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