I don't thing 3 days is a good choice because you want to make them miss you but not forget you. Let them know you had a great time then call in about 1 or 2 days.
AnswerIf it is your first date, just go home and don't call. Wait 3 days. It's the unwritten rule and works every time. Women love being treated like that. It's crazy and sounds stupid, but it works. AnswerIt makes your girl/boyfriend feel much better knowing that you had a good time.ANSWER
I do believe that 3 days its a little long to wait. It may seem as if you lied when you said you had a great time. Yes you have to give it time but 2 days, no more than that, you have to let the person miss you not forget you!
I think you should call about 4 days after just to say that you really enjoyed it but don't get too carried away or she/he might think you are a bit weird. You could also ring about 1 week after and ask if you want to go out for lunch or a nice dinner and say you will pay so you make your boyfriend/girlfriend feel nice and so you don't feel and act cheap.
AnswerSome people say you need to wait three days, but that's not okay for all people. If you really like this person, call them in the morning. Don't make them wait for you. And don't sit round waiting for them to call if you really like him or her.Answer
Its up to you!
I think the three day wait rule is stupid. If I went out with someone and they waited three days to call me I would assume he didn't want a second date. If you like someone then just go for it! Call whenever you want and don't let stupid dating rules rule over you. I personally think it's sweet when someone doesn't want to wait to talk to you.
Waiting doesn't make any sense to me!! I have even called moments after they give me their phone number just to see if they gave me their real number.
Agreed. If you like someone, games like making them sweat is Jr high stuff. If you and them had a good time let each other know; its that easy. You can even text you had a good time a little after you leave. There are a great deal of girls who won't admit it but like to be treated like they don't matter. If you're that type of person either side, if it works for you, then good. Remember you're not getting to know the real person that way, which will end the relationship later. But as a guy you don't want to mess up your chances for another date, act toward them as you would want them to act towards you; the golden rule.
I think that if you had a really nice time with that person the best thing to do is text them a little while after you get back just to thank them and say that you enjoyed the day/evening. This lets them know that you are interested but doesn't come across as needy. Then you can go on and make a second date if they return the text. Playing the waiting game is just daft especially as internet dating could mean the woman just moves onto someone else.
Friendly answer:
If you are a guy you will call her after 10mins. checking if she is home safely or saying thank you for the special night. If you are a girl you will call him or text him after 10minstoo. You are going to say thank you.
Depends on the day of the week. If you get together on lets say friday. Call her on monday. Any sooner and it shows that you have no weekend life. basically leave at least one weekend after you meet open, otherwise you might look like a loser.
Just be yourself:
You should call her the next morning. It's not how long you wait it's what you say to him/her when you call her back. If you come off as needy and wanting attention she or he will assume that you are desperate and too easy. Just be yourself and feel free to let go of trying to impress everyone. If you can't be yourself at first then he or she isn't the right one for you. GOD has a plan for all of us. Just be patient and the one that feels all your emotional needs and wants will soon come into your life. My father always told me " good things come to the ones who wait." In other words after all the games have been played a woman/man is going to want someone to care and love them.
As a Guy:
I can tell you that as a guy it really depends on how the date went. If I like a girl, I'm definitely going to call or maybe text her. If it's obvious to me from the date that she's into me as well, I may not wait as long. But if she didn't really seem too interested, then I don't rush it, because I don't want to come across as too eager plus it probably won't matter anyhow, because she won't want to see me again.
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The can should have an expiration date on it. That doesn't mean that it is bad once that date has passed, but could be risky.
If he has never called you he is not your BF. A BF is someone with whom you are having a long term realtionship with.
It is so long as it has the ability to not call people on the "do not call" list.
Throw the phone at his shoulder and he'll catch it and make a call with it
The FDCPA allows creditors to contact debtors as many times as needed as long as it cannot be defined as harassment. For example, a creditor/collector could probably call a dozen times within the 8:00 am to 9:00 pm time allotment without being in violation. However, they cannot call continually, for example every hour, every half hour, etc. Persons subjected to creditor calls should bear in mind that they have no legal obligation to speak with the caller.
That depends on how long ago the date was. In the first couple of days, you could probably wait. If after that, you should probably call him to let him know you are still interested.
After first date, if he doesn't reply to your calls and messages, then stop calling again. Maybe he is not interested. If he was busy he will call back, but if he doesn't you have to move on.
wating is a myth. Just call.
if it is after a date, and you KNOW it went well, call her right after...but if you think the date was awkward...but you like her, wait for her to call
After the date (if it went well)
Ten minutes is plenty long enough if you really, really like her and you think she really, really likes you. Ten years is NOT long enough it you both has a lousy time.
That all depends on where you go and what you do. Typically a first date lasts somewhere between three to five hours.
you don't wait. Get in touch with the person and let them know how you appreciated the date. Discuss the intentions to continue the communication or not When ever you give a gift you're excited to know the person's reaction to it so this is no different. If the first date is going to be the last date it needs to be discussed now.
it dosent really matter as long as it looks good
about one week
If you have a one on one first date and you feel that she had a good time then most likely you should kiss her that night. If she wants you to kiss her she will linger and try to draw out the goodbye. If you don't kiss her after the first date then you should at least hug her, say you had a great time and call her later that night and if you feel you should have kissed her but were to shy, tell her that. Us girls love it when a guy tells us the truth and shares his feelings.
About a day or so or play 3 hours and he should call u