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i feel pain in my stomasch but my tubes are tie

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Q: How long should you feel stomach pain in early pregnancy?
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Can you feel lightheaded in early pregnancy?

Yes, you definitely can feel light-headed in early pregnancy. Many people have dizzy spells. If you've already missed your period, you should take a pregnancy test.

How early to do you feel stomach flutters pregnancy?

i have had 4 children and mine started fluttering around 10 to 12 weeks.

Is it common for the stomach to feel hard during pregnancy?

Yes, it is common for the stomach to feel hard during pregnancy due to the growing uterus and the muscles tightening.

Does your belly button feel different during early pregnancy?

In my experience, my belly button did not feel different during early pregnancy.

Is Milky discharge a early pregnancy symptom Also you feel very bloated and sometimes pain at the bottom of your stomach could you be pregnant?


In early pregnancy can you feel the fetus move especially if this is your second pregnancy?

You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.

You have butterflies in your stomach but its too early to test for pregnancy?

You may well be pregnant. There are many symptoms of early pregnancy - tiredness, nausea, mood swings etc and yes having butterflies in your stomach can be a symptom of pregnancy - it was my first symptom. It would not be movement of the baby at all as you cannot feel movement until you are about 16-20 weeks on average, although this differs from woman to woman. Hopefully a pregnancy test will confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

It has been one day after embryo transfer is it possible to have fluttering in stomach?

Yes, but it isn't the baby you feel. A baby doesn't move this early.

When do you feel like vomiting after pregnancy?

Nausea during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormone levels in the body during the early stages of pregnancy. It usually happens early on in the pregnancy.

How can one effectively use the "how to feel stomach for pregnancy" technique to determine if they are pregnant?

To effectively use the "how to feel stomach for pregnancy" technique, gently press on the lower abdomen to feel for any changes in the firmness or sensitivity of the area. If there is a noticeable difference in the way the stomach feels, it could be a sign of pregnancy. However, it is important to note that this method is not a definitive way to confirm pregnancy and consulting a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis is recommended.

Is it possible to feel a lump in your stomach at 4 weeks pregnant?

No, generally speaking a woman can not feel anything at four weeks, it is too early. Feeling the fetus in stomach or feeling of baby movement differ from women to women. But there are some other symptoms which let her know about her pregnancy like nausea, vomiting etc. But these conditions also vary from women to women.