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It can take up to three months for your period to return after stopping hormonal Birth Control such as depo provera or the pill. Any longer than this and you should talk to your doctor. Even if you do not have your period, you can still become pregnant so should take precautions if you are not trying to conceive.

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Q: How long should it take to get a period after stopping continuous birth control?
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Related questions

Is it normal to have a period for 3 days when you just got off birth control?

A short period is common when stopping hormonal birth control. Your regular period should return in four to six weeks.

Should your period be regular after 6 months off birth control?

After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.

Should you get your period around the same days after stopping taking birth control pills?

No you will unfortunately not get your period around the same time as you previously did. It will take 3 months for the hormones in birth control to be out of your system and because of this it can take this long for your periods to regulate themselves.

When you get your first period after stopping Depo-Provera should you use tampons?

You can use anything you like - pads, tampons, cup -- with your period after stopping depo provera.

Wjen should you try to get pregnant after stopping depo?

You can try to get pregnant at any time after stopping Depo. There is no need for a waiting period.

Why is there continuous bleeding after menstruation?

there shouldn't be continuous bleeding after menstruation if you find that your period hasent stopped after the seventh day you are probubly just having a long period they can be as long as 9 days or a short as 3. if you are taking birth control that can also make you have continuous bleeding for a long time .. EITHER WAY YOU SHOULD DEFINATELY GO SEE A DOCTOR... if the bleeding does not stop. ~good Luck~

When should you start birth control for a weekday period?

Sunday after your period

Is baby at risk if you get pregnant one week after stopping birth control pills?

No, you and your baby should be fine.

Can birth control deregulate your period?

It should make your period more regular.

What control zone should a responder limit his shortest entry period?

The control zone that a responder should limit his shortest entry period to is the collapse zone.

While on Birth control do you take the white pills while you have your period?

Yes, you should always continue to take your birth control unless your physician tells you to stop. Stopping your birth control and having unprotected sex will make you become pregnant. If you are experiencing any bleeding before the expected date or time of your period, you are most likely experiencing spotting or breakthrough bleeding. This is bleeding that is not considered a period, it is however a side effect from birth control that can last up to 3 months when you first begin birth control.

Should you be worried that your period is on day 18 and still no signs of stopping?

most definitely yes, you should be worried and see a doctor immediately!