There is an average of 30-31 days per month. Occasionally, there are 29 days in a month. This usually occurs in the month of February.
On average there are about 4.3 weeks in a month. Each week is 7 days, and there are normally either 30 or 31 days in a month, so there are usually between 4.2 and 4.4 weeks per month. The exception is February because it has fewer days, so there are about 4 weeks in that month.
25 & more
In the Unite States, the average peak of tornado activity is in May.
it is on average 29 days
1 inch.
Around two month is about average.
All hair grows one half of an inch each month on average.== == == ==
the average time is about a month, but if you are over the average weight it will stay longer.
A month typically ranges from 28 to 31 days, depending on the month and the year. The average length of a month is 30 days.
An average solar month is around 30.44 days, which is approximately one-twelfth of a solar year, which is about 365.24 days.
$100, 000 per month
29.531 days on the average, with slight variations through a year.
On average a month has 302400 minutes.
Hair grows at an average rate of about 1/2 inch per month.
There are many kind of flies. The common housefly lives about half a month to a month in the wild.