I emailed the company and they sent me this reply:
Thank you for your inquiry regarding DRAMBUIE Liqueur. As per your request, please be advised that DRAMBUIE has an indefinite shelf life. The liqueur's quality does not change provided that the product is kept unopened, stored in a dry, cool location (avg. 10-20 C) and protected from direct sunlight. In addition, quick variations of ambient conditions should be avoided, especially from cold to warm.
We hope you find this information useful and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valued patronage."
It should last indefinitely if kept in a cool, dark place.
Chardonnay is good for about 7 years unopened.
Nothing can stay good if it never was.
An unopened bottle of Pennsylvania Dutch egg nog will be good for up to seven months. This variety of egg nog contains alcohol.
Potentially centuries if it is good quality originally.
A bottle of Crown Royal gets better with age as long as it has not been opened or any air has gotten into it.
If you open the bottle, you need to keep it refrigerated and it will last for a month. If it is an unopened bottle it should last for about a year :)
.Who is with you?
Yes, hard liquor lasts for a really long time unopened.
As long as it is kept cold, indefinitely.
If the bottle is unopened then it can last as long as you want it to, but I personally wouldn't drink it after having for more than 9 months or so.
First of all if it has a worm in it . It's not tequila its mesqul and as long as the worm isn't floating its ok