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11y ago

it depends on the length of the earphones. From 10cm to 5m.

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Q: How long is a pair of ear phones?
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Related questions

What is another word for ear phones?

Another word for ear phones is head phones.

Are head phones dangerous to ear drums?

Head phones can definitely be dangerous to ear drums. If the volume of the device that is producing the sound is turned up too high and listened to for a long period of time, the head phones could damage the ear drums.

What is ear-bubs?

ear-bubs is like ear phones

How long have headphones been around for?

In the early 20th Century

What are the prices for the Walkers Game Ear phones?

Walkers Game Ear phones cost between $150-$500, depending on the model. You can purchase these Ear phones online from retailers such as Amazon or from stores such as the Ear Plug Store website.

How do i play music out loud on my LG BL40 it has the headphones sign still on hen they are not plugged in?

Take a pair of ear phones and keep plugging and unplugging them. works for me.

What is the most expensive ear phones in the world?


Is the word hear a long E word?

Yes, the vowel pair EA is a long E sound in hear, ear, fear, year and so forth.

Why are ear phones left and right sided?

Because they are angled differently so they can best fit each ear...

Does near have a short or long a sound?

It is not an A at all. The EA pair is pronounced like a long E, as in fear. But this type of long E + R is called a caret I. It has the "ear" sound in US English.

What are the most expensive pair of ear muffs?

Blonde or Brunette ?

Do ear phones cause cancer?

Yes they do, if you listen on full blast for a long period of time. You can get brain cancer, but more so other brain and hearing problems.