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Since the 1950's, I can't find an exact date though.

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Q: How long has aqua net hairspray been on the market?
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What is hairspray made out of?

hairspray is a solution of long chain like molecules called polymers.

How long was hairspray on Broadway?

Hairspray the Musical is 2 hours and 40 minutes long with a 15 minute intermission period!

How long have triscuits been on the market?

Since 1903

How fast does Herbal Essences Hairspray dry?

This is a very simple question. It dries in about 10-30 seconds, that's about how long it takes for my hairspray to dry on me. I think this hairspray is one of the best because of it's quick dry, and how strong the hold is for the hairspray

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Vyvanse has been on the market since 2007. It is a prescription that is designed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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You have to get that old persons granddaughter then it will say that the S.S. Aqua has gone into Kanto.

How long was Hairspray in theatres?

Hairspray was in theatres for at least two months, I'm pretty sure. The summer of 2007 Hairspray started in July and went until at least September, early September. It made lots of money.

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According to my children, "Too long".

How long have OKI Data printers been on the market?

They have been on the market for many, many years and have been proven to workhorses when it comes to business printing. They are very well built and can handle heavy work loads for long periods of time.