Since October 29th, 2010. Or, about 3 months and 15 days as of the writing of this answer.
Ryan Hall, the American long-distance runner, was born on October 14, 1982, making him 39 years old as of 2022.
Individuals within the age range of 30 to 39 years old are commonly referred to as "thirtysomethings."
C'est ma mère et elle a 39 ans.
In 2010, someone born in 1971 would be 39 years old.
A trigenarian is a person who is in their thirties, typically between the ages of 30 and 39.
Winona Ryder was born on October 29, 1971
The first book has been out long time now . You have GOT to buy it
39 millimeters is 1.54 inches.
He started at 10, turned pro at 18 and retired in 1981 at age 39.
The Cessna 406 executive plane is 39 feet long.
Daisy makes several different model Air rifles each one has a different price. The Red Ryder usually sells for $39 here in California
The Cessna 406 executive aircraft (as in pic ) is 39 feet long.
39 minutes at 60 mph
39 divided by 4 = 9 with a remainder of 3
At an average 60 mph: 39 minutes
It is 39 feet long with a 49 foot wingspan.
39% of Australia has not been to a theme park in a while