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Q: How long does the sperm cells live in the uterus of a woman?
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How long can sperm live in the uterus?

Yes, sperm can live up to 72 hours after ejaculation

How long does the sperm live inside the uterus?

For up to 72 hours.

Can sperm live 9 days in a woman?

No average life span of sperm is 4 days, sperm can live in a woman's body 6 days after intercourse

Does the sperm die if not attached to an egg?

Yes, but they can live 3-4 days in the uterus.

How long do dry sperm cells live?

they dont

How long can sperm live inside a woman?

up to 7 days

How long does sperm live inside a woman?

Up to 7 days.

Does sperm dies immediately?

Definitely not....sperm can live in a woman's body for 6 day's, possibly even 7!

Should a woman swallow sperm?

You mean, "Semen". Semen is the whitish, thickish fluid that carries the sperm cells (short for spermatazoa) out of a man's body. I have heard it said that semen is somewhat nutritional, but there can't be much taste to it, or the sperm could not live in it. Semen is completely harmless when swallowed.

Can sperm live under finger nails?

Sperm cannot live under the fingernails. It can only thrive in warm and moist environments. They are the male reproductive cells.

Can you be pregnant if little sperm run out of your private part?

Yes, all it takes is one sperm. It is natural for semen to leak out, but those little fellows are still inside. Sperm can live 5-6 days in the uterus.

How long does sperm live inside a woman after sex?

Sperm lasts anywhere from several hours to 2 days. Actually, according to scientists, sperm can live in a woman's body up to 5, sometimes 6 or 7 days depending on the right invironment and the acidity on the inside of the woman's body. Hope I helped!!