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day 1- Bleeding

day 5- Bleeding stops

day 14- new egg released lining regrows

day 28- starts over

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Q: How long does the menstrual period typically last?
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How long does each menstrual last?

your menstrual cycle will last about 7 days

How long does an average menstrual period last?

The average menstrual period is around 5-7 days in length, and can very a little from cycle to cycle. As long as your period doesn't go over 14 days it's fairly normal, if it does go longer then see your doctor.

How long does the menstrual last if fertilization does not take place?

The menstrual cycle typically lasts 28 days - but everyone's cycle is different. If fertilization does take place then there is no menstrual cycle, this would continue into pregnancy.

How long does the newborn girl period typically last"?

The newborn girl period typically lasts for about 2-7 days.

How long does implantation menstruation last?

Implantation bleeding typically lasts for 1-2 days, but can sometimes extend to 3 days. It is usually lighter and shorter in duration compared to a typical menstrual period.

How do you know how long your menstrual cycle is?

The menstrual cycle begins with day 1 which is the first day of bleeding. The last day of the cycle is the day before the next period begins.

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How long does each menstrual cycle last?

your menstrual cycle will last about 7 days

How long is the gestation period of a humand?

The gestation period of a human is approximately 40 weeks, or about 9 months. This period is counted from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period to the birth of the baby.

How long after you get pregnant will it take for a home pregnancy test to register it?

as early as 3.5 to 4 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period

What is the term for abnormally heavy or long menstrual period?

Menorrhagia means abnormally heavy or long menstrual period. A related term, metrorrhagia, means excessively frequent periods.

How long does menopause last in female humans?

Post menopause begins a year after a woman's last menstrual period ends. It lasts the rest of her life unless she undergoes hormonal treatments to induce a menstrual cycle.