Lemonade diet minimum age
Yes, on the 10 day Lemonade diet, you are only allowed to drink lemonade. It is a fasting diet that offers a master cleanse.
The Lemonade Diet also known as the Master Cleanse or Maple Syrup Diet is a detoxifying and fasting diet and has been around for over 50 years. One can look at Web MD, The Lemonade Site, The Lemonade Diet, and Wikipedia for information on the Lemonade Diet.
The Lemonade Diet, is the fasting diet described in the book "The Master Cleanser - with Special Needs and Problems" by Stanley Burroughs
Lemonade, Fruitopia and diet Coke.
You can go online for the lemonade diet. You can also consult a nutritionist on information about a lemonade diet. Probably the best way to learn more about this diet is in a bookstore. Bookstores have aisles of self-help books, many of them books dedicated to dieting.
The lemonade diet is where you only drink lemonade that you make and nothing else. I would get hungery very fast eatting nothing for a whole day so don't starve yourself.
Actually, regular lemodade is better and better for you rather than diet lemoade.
Here is a website that shows you a lemonade diet recipe its sort of like lemon water. But there is no lemon water diet. http://www.lifetrainingonline.com/blog/lemonade-diet-recipe.htm
I've been told that lemon juice works as a diuretic. Would diet lemonade work as well or the same?
A lemonade diet is a master cleanse designed to flush the body and remove toxins. It is made up of lemonade, salt water and an herbal detox tea.