Up to thirty days . Marijuanna is a fat soluable in the human body meaning the less fat on your body the quicker it leaves the body. The THC (tetra-hydra-cannibinol) which the current urine tests check for may be cleansed in as little as a week or over month depending on several factors. How much u smoke? Quantinty and quality of injested marijuanna?
how long does codeine stay in system
Not as long as it will stay in short fine hair, but it will stay for awhile.
The effects of one hit of marijuana usually last 1-3 hours, but traces of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can be detected in your system for up to 30 days, depending on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage.
72 hours
72 hours
Inositol, depending on the dosage, can stay in your body up to a month after you stop taking it. Symptoms can last that long also.
As soon as your body has absorbs it which is not long
Not long