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. It takes about 5 to 10 weeks. But u have to follow these steps. 15 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds the Healthy Way Fitness and Nutrition Drink Up According to, people who guzzled water throughout the day lost more weight than those who didn't. Aim for 8 glasses of water a day, even more if you're working out. Go Half size Divide your normal portion in two, and save the rest for later. If you're eating out, split an entree with a friend, or have the server box half of it it up. You will probably feel full on less food than you'd think Eat Clean Make a point to eat clean, fresh and healthy food rather than packaged food. In doing so, you'll cut out the additives that packaged food contains. The next time you go grocery shopping, shop the outer perimeter of the store where the fresh food is located, rather than the inside aisles. Fidget More Often Studies show that fidgety (uneasy) types burn significantly more calories than their stationary counterparts. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, stretch out your legs at your desk, or cross and uncross your legs every once in awhile. Even playing with your hair can burn calories. Take Walking Breaks Schedule walking breaks in your day. It could be as simple as walking around for two minutes every half hour, or five minutes every hour. At the end of the day, those walking breaks will add up, leading to calorie loss. Eat at Home According to Prevention, meals eaten away from home have 134 more calories, on average. By eating dinner at home, and packing lunches for work and school, you will know exactly how your food is prepared, and what you're feeding your body. Train for Something Whether it's a one mile fun run, a 5K, a triathlon, or a marathon, you will be more determined to workout when you've set goals. If you're new to exercise, or just getting back into it, try the couch to 5K running plan to help you get started. Stop Drinking Your Calories Did you know that supersize soft drinks can contain up to 500 calories? That's one-third, or a little less, of your day's worth of calories- and don't think you can get away with drinking diet. The artificial sweeteners may actually make you more bloated, helping you to gain even more weight. Juice isn't much better because of its high sugar content, and we all know that alcohol packs on the pounds. Moderation is key, but if you're determined to lose weight and improve your health, try your best to stick to water, tea and coffee for awhile. Work Standing Up Over the course of one day, you'll burn 30 percent more calories standing than you would sitting. If your office allows it, raise your desk so that you can work standing up. If that isn't a possibility, try a balance ball chair and take frequent walking breaks Stop Dieting Even Oprah's said it- diets don't work. Yo-yo dieters tend to get fatter, rather than thinner. Instead of following a fat diet, make a lifestyle change, incorporating healthy foods and regular exercise into your routine. Eat Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It revs up your metabolism and prepares you for the day ahead. If you're out of breakfast ideas, try this healthy recipe that'll keep you full until lunch: Ham and Green Pepper Frittata (total calories: 316 per serving) 2 tablespoons butter 1 small onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 8 slices (6 ounces) ham, chopped 8 large eggs, at room temperature 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (optional) Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter in a large (12") nonstick skillet over low heat. Add the onion, bell pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of the salt, and 1/4 teaspoon of the pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender-crisp, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in the ham and cook for 1 minute, stirring occasionally. Transfer to a plate. Separate the eggs, placing the yolks in a medium-size bowl and the whites in a large bowl. Lightly beat the yolks with the water, the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Beat the egg whites until they form stiff, but not dry, peaks. Fold the yolks into the whites. Melt the remaining 1 tablespoon butter in the skillet over low heat. Pour in the eggs and spread them evenly with a rubber spatula. Scatter the ham mixture and cheese (if using) over the top, cover, and cook until the eggs are set, 25 to 30 minutes. Slide the frittata onto a plate and serve immediately (puffiness will subside in 5 to 7 minutes). Eat More Yogurt A recent study revealed the foods most identified with maintaining a healthy weight, and yogurt ranked among the best. For an extra punch of protein, eat 6 oz. of Greek yogurt (one container), which contains around 14 grams of Meditate Finding some alone time to pray, practice yoga, or meditate can do wonders for your mind and body. Stress can sabotage (damage) your diet goals, and meditation will remind you of your good intentions. Brush and Floss This is good for more than oral hygiene. Brush your teeth right after you eat to avoid a temptation just an hour or two later. Why would you want to ruin that minty fresh breath? Learn to Knit Or play guitar, or sew, or blog. Anything that keeps your hands and mind busy will keep your mind off of food. Fitness & Nutrition Did you know that your body can interpret thirst as hunger? Keep hydrated to prevent overeating. Want to mix up your cardio routine? Bring a jump rope & music on your jog & jump 50 times at the end of every song. Eat cleanly, get your body moving, drink lots of water. (Side affects may include happiness, radiance, and amazing health) The best time to exercise is in the morning. Do it before your brain figures out what you're doing. =P How long will it take to lose 10 lbs Ideally, weight loss should be one to two pounds per week, so it would take five to ten weeks to lose ten pounds. ChaCha!

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Q: How long does it take to lose 15 pounds?
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How long will it take you to lose 15 pounds while walking 2 miles a day and doing weight watchers?

probably around 3 weeks. Good luck!

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Fastin is a diet pill which helps suppress the appetite and raise the metabolism. This pill can help aid in weight loss when combined with a sensible diet and exercise regime. The amount of time it would take to lose 15 pounds will vary. Typically a safe weight loss will result in a 1-2 pound weight loss weekly.

How can a teenage 15 yr old lose 15-25 pounds from now until summer?

A 15 year old may be able to lose 15-25 pounds, but it would take exercise and a strict diet. You can join a gym to get help losing weight or join Weight Watchers.

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How do you go from 175 pounds to 160 pounds?

you lose 15 lbs

You weight 124 pounds you want to lose 15 pounds what should you do?

If you want to lose 15 pounds, and you weight 124 pounds, you should eliminate any pop. When you cut out pop, switch completely to water.

How many pounds does a nascar driver lose in a single race?

10-15 pounds

How does a 15-year old girl who is 5'4 and wieghs 138 lose 20 pounds in two weeks?

It is impossible to be healthy and lose 20 pounds in two weeks especially at 15. The standard rate to lose weight is 2-3 pounds per week.

How can you lose 15 pounds in one week if you are 5'5'' and weigh 134 pounds?

hell no. are you insane?

How do you lose 15 pounds in 21 days?

To lose 15 pounds in 21 days one needs to eat a healthy diet. A low carb diet is a good way to lose unwanted weight and exercise is also important.