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It can take as long as 3 months.

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Q: How long does it take to have a regular period after stopping birth control pills which you took for seven years and all pregnancy tests are negative?
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How do you know if you are late with your period if you are not regular because stopping the the pill?

Take a pregnancy test. Chances are if you are worried about being late, there would enough hormones to give you a positive or negative test.

What period is the actual regular period not because of stopping birth control?

It varies, about 28 days.

How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

Are you pregnant if you took the patch off two weeks early and blead after taking it off and didn't get my period on regular schedule?

Your period may be delayed after stopping the patch. If you had unprotected sex after stopping the patch, take a pregnancy test. If you don't' want to get pregnant, find a new effective methods of birth control.

Can stopping NuvaRing cause breast tenderness?

Some women may have breast tenderness with ovulation after stopping NuvaRing. It's just a matter of your body going back to its regular cycle. Breast tenderness can also be a sign of pregnancy, so take a pregnancy test if you miss your period.

Could you have a miscarriage after stopping birth control?

There is always a chance for a miscarriage when you are pregnant. See the doctor regular for prenatal check ups.

Is it normal to have a period for 3 days when you just got off birth control?

A short period is common when stopping hormonal birth control. Your regular period should return in four to six weeks.

If you had a regular period your entire life and I'm on birth control but didn't get a period this month and pregnancy test was negative What is wrong?

Unfortunately, birth control stops your period, but sometimes, things go wrong and it PERMANENTLY stops your period. HOWEVER, if it's only been a month, then you have nothing to worry about! Birth control STOPS your period so you don't have to worry!

Can breast milk come out if you're not pregnant because you don't have a regular period and milk is coming out but a home pregnancy test was negative?

your prob prego

Should your period be regular after 6 months off birth control?

After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.

Is it normal to go six or more weeks between periods a few months after quitting birth control?

Yes! This can be very normal. It's all in what kind of bc you were using. I used depo for about a year and didn't get a period for a little over a year after stopping. Hello there. Yes this is quite a common occurance in a lot of women after stopping birth control pills. Some lucky women go on to have regular monthly periods while the majority of women, experience irregular periods for a few months after stopping birth control. It generally takes around three months for birth control to be out of your system so by the fourth or fifth month of stopping the pills, your periods should be becomming more regular.

Why do i have negative pregnancy test but no period yet?

First of all, the test may be wrong. Also, is your period even regular. Maybe it is just acting weird.