For concealed carry, no. Wisconsin does permit open carry with restrictions, but only law enforcement officers are permitted to carry concealed in Wisconsin.
"Gun permit"? Be specific. There are two types of firearms-related permits which come to mind for NC. The first are pistol permits, required to purchase a handgun in North Carolina (but waved if you have a North Carolina concealed carry permit). Those take about a week. The second is the aforementioned concealed carry permit.. that can take up to 90 days.
Contact your local police.
If you have a gun permit, yes, as long as you are somewhere where it is otherwise legal to have the gun.
Never. You have been charged therefore you cannot carry a gun.
You can not buy a gun in Wisconsin and live somewhere else. In order to by a gun in Wisconsin you have to live there.
21 for handguns 18 for long guns
It depends on what you mean. If you have a permit to carry a gun, you can carry in Tennessee (TN recognizes permits from any state). If you are talking about transporting the gun, you can transport a gun basically anywhere in the U.S. without a permit as long as the gun is unloaded and not accessible.
You trade it in for a new one, As long as you have a permit. This only applies if you live in a country where a permit is required.
It depends on what you mean. If you have a permit to carry a gun, you can carry in Tennessee (TN recognizes permits from any state). If you are talking about transporting the gun, you can transport a gun basically anywhere in the U.S. without a permit as long as the gun is unloaded and not accessible.
As long as you have a concealed carry permit, it does not matter how many bullets you have in your gun in Connecticut.