as far as i knew 90 days but i am doing furthur study because that's what i have heard not what i have seen or read
Water will NOT help clean your system of marijuana. See the Related Question below.
You are being tested for the chemicals that your body uses to metabolize the marijuana not the marijuana itself. The ocean Spray will not help.
On average it usually takes anywhere from 2 to 12 hours for a cow to "clean herself" or push out the placenta after she has calved.
2 weeks to 60 days depending on your frequency on use.
it will be 26 days on the day i take the test, will i be clean?
the time it takes for marijuana to leave your system is approxamently 1 month that's the regular cycle for the entire clean-out with the acception of hair follicles but there is a shampoo for that so you should be set.
vinegar does not cleanse your system of marijuana
too long!
it depends how worst are you into might take a least a weeks or months