After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine.
it takes around 45 minutes for water to pass through but if its a slightly thinker liquid it takes around 46 minutes it takes around 45 minutes for water to pass through but if its a slightly thinker liquid it takes around 46 minutes
The small intestine.
The stomach absorbs water through its lining, which contains specialized cells that allow water to pass through. Water helps in the digestion process by aiding in the breakdown of food particles and facilitating the movement of nutrients through the digestive system. It also helps in the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste products from the body.
Given long enough, all the water in the world.
water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion
The esophagus is the tube food passes through to reach from your mouth to your stomach.
Food only passes through your stomach and intestines not the appendix.
Several weeks, but it depends on how often you put water through it. The more often you pass water through it, the sooner it should be replaced.
Yes, we can boil water if we pass enough current through it......
Water cannot pass through bubble without bursting .