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Cigarettes carry a two prong addiction and while one can be conquered in the short term. it's the other form the can be tricky. I quit smoking on 27 June 1972 at 4:15 PM. Atlantic Standard Time. And I did it Cold Turkey, so I'm relating my experiences and the time-line when you do it Cold Turkey

1) The physical addiction can be cured in about three weeks. I slept a lot during those first three weeks when I got home from work so that I could avoid some of the withdrawal pains. Each day the desire to smoke was slightly reduced, although I didn't notice it at the time. It was only after going through it that I realized that my craving had substantially diminished.

(A note on habits - Habits are formed by the repeating of an action until it becomes second nature. Each time you repeat lighting up a cigarette, you reinforce the habit; thus giving it strength over you. Conversely, when you fail to reinforce a habit, it will weaken and die. It won't die quickly or without a lot of kicking and screaming, but it WILL die off if you don't reinforce it.) That's why I advocate Cold Turkey. Just suck it up and do it.

2) The psychological addiction lasts much longer, and this is where the would be

ex smoker gets tripped up. You'll be cruising along without a care in the world when you take a body shot to the kidneys that will near double you over psychologically because you're not prepared for it and you don't see it coming. It says to you, "I want to smoke a cigarette,!" Some people give in and go get a pack of smokes, or bum one off a friend. (The slippery slope, don't do it!)

If you take a moment and examine this thought that popped into your head, you'll come to realize that the thought has no power behind it because the physical addiction is gone. Just deal with these random thoughts about smoking and move on because they will continue for about ten years. Usually, they'll cause you to dream that you're actually smoking a cigarette and you'll wake up so disappointed with yourself for succumbing, and once you're fully awake and realize that it was only a dream, you feel better and probably laugh at yourself. I did.

Don't worry, these random thoughts about smoking won't be plaguing you constantly like every few days. Sometimes I wouldn't have one for two or three years at a time. After ten years they stopped altogether.

Remember, the psychological addiction has no power - just ignore it when it acts up.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The physical nicotine withdrawal is over in days.

The mental cravings can persist for months in teens after smoking a single cigarette and for years in people who have smoked regularly.

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15y ago

Physically, days to a couple weeks. Mentaly, years. 2 years after I quit I would reach for my shirtpocket whenever I got on my tractor.

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15y ago

as long as you believe they will. read Alan Carr's easy way to stop smoking and you will realise there are no withdrawal symptoms. seriously.

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13y ago

about a year or 2..I believe

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15y ago

for ever

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Q: How long does it take for cigarette cravings to go?
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