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It takes on average 3 - 5 weeks for this piercing to heal. It is fairly quick most importantly because every time that you urinate, you are bathing the site in sterile and warm liquid so it has a chance to heal much faster than it conventionally would in another location.

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Q: How long does it take for a prince albert piercing to heal?
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How long does a prince albert piercing take to heal when the jewelry is removed?

I've heard that the PA is the one piercing that will never fully heal. I've removed my jewelry before. The wound tightened up a bit, but did not look at all as if it would heal.

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If you have had the piercing for over a year you can get away with 24 to 48 hours.

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Your ear takes 6 weeks to heal from a piercing.

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5 years.

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How long should you wait to take out a frowny piercing?

It takes 6-8 weeks for your frowny piercing to heal.

How long does it take for a to ngue piercing to heal?

6 to 8 weeks for a light heal. Keep in mind it's a new piercing and will be a new piercing until it is a year old so if you catch a cold the piercing can swell back up again.

How long does it take a scaffold piercing to heal?

Your professional body piercer should have told you that you can expect to wait 8 to 10 weeks for a light heal and over a year for the piercing to season up and be considered a healed piercing.