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Q: How long does it take for a person to get meth into their system when being in a room where it is being smoked?
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How long does embalming stay in your system when smoked?

28 days

How long will marijuana stay in the system of a 94lb 5'2 person who has not smoked in two weeks but was a daily user?

If you were a daily smoker, up to 6 months.

How long does it take weed to get out of your system if you only smoked once?

If you smoked a joint once, it will take a few hours and after that you will be fine.

How long does THC stay in your system if you only smoked it 1 time?

For a month. The amount you smoked doesn't change the fact it is there.

If you hanent smoked in 2 mouth how long will it take to get a blunt out of your system?

Roughly 30 days from the last time you have smoked.

If you weigh 208 pounds how long would it take to clean your system of marijuana?

That depends on how much you've smoked and for how long. If you smoked a couple of times a week you would expect it to be out of your system within a month.

How long does crack stay in system smoked once a month?

3 days

If i smoked two hits of weed how long will it stay in my system?

a week or less

How long pot stays in system?

it stays in your system for 2 to 3 months, depending how much you smoked.

You weigh 215 pounds never have smoked pot smoked about one of a gram how long will it be in your system?

If its your first time it will not be in your system longer than a week. if you exercise and drink lots of water it will be out of your system in no time.

How long will weed stay in your system if you havent smoked in 2 months and you took 5 hits off a joint?

Doesn't matter how long since you last smoked. Weed stays in your system from 2 weeks to a month.

You are pregnant and have smoked weed 3 times in the 2 months and have not smoked at all in over a week how long till its out of my system?

couple of days