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1 day worse maybe up to a week to get better, just like any other bruise.

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Q: How long does it take for a hickey to go worse?
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Related questions

How do you get rid of a hickey besides makeup?

A hickey is a bruise. They take several days to go away. You can cover them up, but otherwise you just have to wait for them to fade on their own.

Is a hickey permanenent?

no, hickey's are not permanent. They usually go within a week

What nicknames did Herb Hickey go by?

Herb Hickey went by Johnny.

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Caitlin Hickey goes by KK.

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Andrew Hickey goes by Drew, and Ash.

How do you get a hickey from my boyfriend?

How to get a hickey A hickey is all about him sucking on your skin so to get him to give you one is symple #1 go some where really really private (it works best when laying down) #2 kiss for a long time and in talking making out tounge and everything #3 soon his hands will start wandering let them go where they want #4 soon his mouth will wander till it gets to your neck (or the place fr you hickey neck is most comon) and he will start to suck Thats all it takes just the few symple motions and you got anhickey

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an obtuse angle. Do you go to cardinal hickey academy?

How do you get rid of a hickey overnight?

If you really want to get rid of a hickey over night follow these steps 1 get the hickey 2 rub it 3 go to bed 4 wake up and your screwed If you really want to get rid of it idk cover it up or something ya friggen jackass

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