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As a general rule of thumb, the major metabolite in alcohol, can be detected in your blood for up to 24 hours and as gross as it your urine for up to 48 hours.

There are a number of things about what you drink that can vary these figures, including:

* Strength of the drink

* Quantity consumed

* How it is consumed

* Frequency of your drinking

* The presence of other drugs

* Your mood and environment of use

Other factors specific to you include:

* your tolerance

* your sex and age

* your overall health & well-being

* your general metabolic state

These variables all interact to make it hard to accurately define a time when it will be out of your system.

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Q: How long does it take alcohol to get out of your blood?
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Alcohol leaves the body at the rate of about .015 of BAC per hour.

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Alcohol can stay in the system for around 24 hours. However, in order to be safe it's best to wait 48 hours before getting any blood drawn depending on how much alcohol was consumed.

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Blood alcohol concentration )(BAC) drops at the rate of .015 of BAC per hour.

If you take a blood test 3 hours after drinking will your alcohol level have dropped?

Only a little bit ---- A doctor's answer: Yes, by quite a lot. Alcohol doesn't last very long in the system

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It would drop to the lower level in a little over one hour.

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