There are several factors that effect "HOW LONG" is. Temperature, How fast you pull the trigger. and how long the "powerlett" is in the pistol. It is best to say about 50 or more shots per powerlett. However never leave the C02 in the pistol when you are done. It will eventually leak out and may damage the seal if the pistol stays under pressure. Also it will prevent someone from picking up the pistol and accidentally firing it.
No. C02 is required to make it fire. Without C02 all you can do is pull the trigger.
No. co2 airsoft pistols in general are plauged with leakage issues, especially a cheap crosman. Besides that, airsoft pistols are not a good investment unless you already have a good primairy rifle.
The c11 co2 pistol shoots at 480 Feet Per Second (FPS)
You can recycle it.
See the link below for the Crosman 454 Owners Manual.
100 USD
Crosman offer a free service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air guns. see the link below
A keg can last about 6-8 weeks when using CO2 for dispensing.
Yes they are all the same just different brands.
Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops the repair older Crosman, Benjamin and Sheridan air guns. See the link below
Unopened CO2 cartridges can last indefinitely if stored properly in a cool, dry place.
The Crosman model 150 was made between 1954-1967. It is a .22 cal pellet pistol.