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There's actually no such thing as a gay phase. This is an outdated concept.

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Q: How long does a gay phase last?
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You do not want to be gay but you fancy a boy so are you gay or going through a long phase?

There's actually no such thing as a gay phase. This is an outdated concept. There is a phase where some teens might worry about their sexual orientation, but that's a different issue.This is a normal thing, and don't blow it out of proportion. You are who you are, as long as you can be comfortable with that then who cares about your status.Read the question "How do you know if you are gay?" in the Related Questions below.

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ur gay

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29 1/2 days, or a month.

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The sun is expected to last for another 5 billion years. It is currently in the middle of its main sequence phase, which is the longest phase in its life cycle.

How long does it take for a new moon phase to start?

29.53 days after the last one.

How do you know if being gay isn't just a phase?

There's actually no such thing as a gay phase. This is an outdated concept. There is a phase where some teens might worry about their sexual orientation, but that's a different issue.

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Up to 7½ minutes, usually 2-3.

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3 years. See relevant answers below.

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It last forever. Sadly there is no way to treat this disease. Thank you come again(: I'm gay!!

What is rigel last phase of it life cycle?

The last phase will be a type II supernova explosions.