Depends on the species.
Humans 9-10 months.
Cats&dogs - a lot less.
Elephants - a lot longer.
The gestation period (time that the foetus stays in the womb) for giraffes is 14-15 months.
Most people think that a baby is supposed to be in the womb for 36 weeks (9 months) but a baby is supposed to be in the womb for 40 weeks (10 months).
It depends. My baby died at 8 weeks and I found out at 12 weeks through an ultrasound, and it was removed by D&C
Depends on the species of whale. 18 months may be the amount of time that a whale fetus spends in it's mother's womb.
With some women it can go undiscovered for weeks. Others will expell the fetus right away.
Yes, a fetus does pee in the womb. The fetus's kidneys start producing urine around the 12th week of pregnancy, and the urine is released into the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.
mother's womb
The womb is where the baby/fetus is able to grow inside the female. The fetus can then collect nutrients from the mother via the umbilical cord, which connects the fetus with the endometrial lining.
Defiantly not!
A fetus that grows into a baby.
the womb or amniotic sac
A fetus is viable when it can live outside of the mothers womb. a viable foetus is where a foetus that could be taken from the womb and still be able to survive.