

Best Answer

"I have a lot of experience with LSD. That is some craaazzzyyy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt. One time when i was trippin on my banana board, i saw Kurt Cobain on the back of a fat giraffe in mcdonalds naked. HE ran towards me so I got out of there and on my way out I ran over a really small school bus. It was craaaazzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy. Then on my way down everything turned poiple and elmer fudd started started playing Rugby by himself in autozone. But for some reason nodoby noticed except for me. So when I shouted HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO! to fuddman everyone started to laugh at me and I was so embarrased that i ran to Gautamala and visited Alec Donohue. cuz he understood what i was going thru. Then when i was running i saw Decker BEasley swollow a gold fish. then i got herpes. THE END!"

That is nothing at all like acid, and the question wasnt even answered.

The answer is, anywhere between 8-12 hours

LSD DOES NOT MAKE YOU TRIP LIKE THAT! But insted alters your perspective of reality.

What really happens is your mind is running all over the place, you still see whats really there but your mind will fill in what you want to see, to some extent.

What I mean is, you will not see a 100 ft tall elepant with pokadots if you want, but if your outside and its dark and you cant see much of anything, and you start thinking about goblins or dwarfs or anythign liek that, you MAY see them running around in the shadows, but that's just because your so concentrated on that thought that your mind fills in the blanks. If that makes any sence.

It is litterly close to impossibul to explain a acid trip, because you cant find words that are descriptive enough. And everybodys trip is different, but that only goes as far as how individuals feel, and their surrounding.

The only way to have a good trip is to keep a positive mind set. Be with people you knwo and are comforable around, and in a place you feel comfortable in. If you start having a bad trip (that's when you get scared, depressed, nervious, any negative emotion) then all you have to do is remind yourself its the drug, and not reality. That its all in your head.

The thing about LSD is you are in compleat controll, but at the same time have none what so ever. You can loose yourself compleatly in the drug in a blink of an eye, just bu asking yourself how your mind deliveres the message to walk when you walk. But its just as easy yo avoid, and gain controll again.

All you have to do is remember that its just a drug.

Hope this helped more then the other person

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7mo ago

The effects of acid typically last from 6 to 12 hours, with lingering effects possible for several more hours. It's important to consider that individual experiences can vary greatly.

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