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It is best to wait 1 month after getting any piercing to go tanning. Tanning affects the texture of your skin and virtually dries it out. With a fresh piercing, this can be highly irritating.

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Q: How long do you have to wait to go tanning after navel piercing?
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Why is it not safe to tan after a naval piercing?

You aren't supposed to tan indoors after getting a navel piercing because of the UV rays can dry out your piercing and make it uncomfortable, and if the lotion gets into your piercing it can get infected. Your piercing may take 6-12 months to heal so until then you should take good care of it and avoid tanning and swimming. You should wait until the weather cools down to get your piercing so then you have all winter for it to heal.

During the healing process of your navel piercing can you lay out in the sun?

It is recommended that you wait at least a few weeks but you can. Indoor tanning you would have to wait longer. Just be careful is you are putting SPF or lotion on. If it gets into the piercing it could get infected and that is VERY painful.

How long should you wait until you go swimming in a public pool after navel piercing?

i got mine done a week ago and the piercer told me that i should wait to go at a pool about 2 weeks but he also told me that i could go anytime at the beach and also for tanning.

How long after getting a nose piercing should you have to wait to tan?

You can tan right away, just keep tanning lotion and oil away from your new piercing.

How long should you wait to go tanning after getting your belly button pierced?

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to go tanning after any body piercing. When lying in a tanning bed, the jewelry that is in a new piercing will heat up and burn your raw pierced skin. This is not good for the healing process. I'm not sure what happens if you do, but to be on the safe side, DON'T TAN WITH A NEW PIERCING!!!!

After how long did you change your belly or navel piercing for the 1st time?

You need to wait a minimum of 3 months to do it yourself. However, your piercer is able to do it in as little as one to two weeks.

How long should you wait till you can change your navel piercing?

3 to 6 months, depending on how it looks. If after 3 it looks nice and has no puss or discharge you can change it. If it still looks red or infected, I would wait another month or two.

How long do you have to wait to change your Nipple piercing?

It is best to wait about 6-8 weeks like you would with any other piercing :)

How long should you wait to go tanning after having your belly button pierced?

2-3 days is how long i had to wait

How long should you wait to go tanning after getting your nipples pierced?

You can go tanning right away, just keep tanning lotions out of and away from the piercings.

Navel piercing in Georgia?

They just changed the law. You have to be 16 now with parental concent for any body peirceing. good thing i didnt wait :D.

After taking a navel piercing out how long should you wait to get it redone do to scar tissue?

You need to give the previous opening at least 3 months to heal. If there is significant scarring, you may not be able to get it pierced again. Some piercers will not pierce through significant scar tissue.